What is File Duck?

File Duck is a new way to transfer files - both large and small. Unlike many other file transfer services, it’s both fast and completely secure.

Due to the File Duck proprietary file transfer technology, our customers' files are never stored on a 3rd party server - not even for a fraction of a second! This is not true of other file transfer services (which is why many organizations and individuals who need to transfer sensitive files are still doing so by USB stick - which is both slow and inconvenient).

To try File Duck yourself, please:

  • Visit fileduck.com
  • Create a Free Account (it takes 30 seconds max)
  • Send a file to someone you know :)

Why Should You Promote File Duck to Your Audience?

Promoting File Duck to your audience - via email or on your social channels - is a great way to:

  • Build rapport and goodwill with your audience by sharing a great service with them (File Duck is quick and easy to use, very affordable, and totally secure)
  • Earn commissions on every sale that you make!

How Much Can You Earn Promoting File Duck?

File Duck is £17/month or £168/year (£14/month). We pay you 40% commission on those figures. This means that for:

  • Every yearly subscription you earn £67.20 (40% of £168).
  • Every time someone is billed monthly, you earn £6.80 (40% of £17).

In our experience, most people do not cancel File Duck once they join (because it’s so easy to use, and also fast and secure), so those monthly commissions keep coming your way!

Quick Example of Potential Earnings:

If you sent a message out to your audience about File Duck and generated:

  • 10 yearly subscriptions and 50 monthly subscriptions, you’d earn:
  • £670.20 for the yearly subscriptions
  • £340 per month, on the monthly subscriptions

How to Know if Your Audience is a Good Fit for File Duck...

In our experience, File Duck customers usually fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • People who use existing file transfer services who want something that’s FAST and/or more SECURE
  • Organizations and individuals who need to transfer sensitive or private data - remember: unlike most file delivery services, File Duck is completely SECURE and PRIVATE (a user's files are never stored on a 3rd party server)... this makes File Duck a viable option for individuals and organizations dealing with a wide range of sensitive data, including: medical records, military data, legal information, accounting documents and so on
  • Anyone who needs to transfer large files on a regular basis - music producers, INSERT EXAMPLE, INSERT EXAMPLE and so forth
  • Anyone who is “anti-establishment” and does not like the idea of a big organization (in this case a big file transfer company) seeing their files or selling their data… File Duck never looks at the files its customers are sending, and we never sell our customers data to any 3rd party

If you have an audience that falls into any of the categories above, then they’re likely to LOVE File Duck. And when you promote it, conversions will be strong and you’ll earn a lot of commissions.

Sign Up and Become a File Duck Affiliate Today…

INSERT sign up form

Assets to Help You Maximize Your File Duck Commissions…

If you have an email list, here are our top converting emails for File Duck. Simply “swipe and deploy” or use them for inspiration if you prefer to write your own:

Subject Line:

Fastest File Transfer Service on the Market?

Body Copy:

If you want a File Transfer Service that is incredibly FAST and 100% SECURE and PRIVATE…

Then you’ll love File Duck.

File Duck uses new proprietary file transfer technology to transfer your files with incredible speed. And your files are never stored on a 3rd party server.

Click here to learn more

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